Asked by: Mugurel Lindlbauer
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is weathering in short answer?

Weathering is the process of causing rock to erode near the surface. Weathering is a result of the disintegration of rock near the surface. Weathering causes rock to lose its surface minerals so that they can be carried away by erosion agents like wind, water and ice.

What is weathering?

Weathering refers to the dissolution or breaking down of minerals and rocks on the Earth's surface. Weathering can be caused by water, ice and salts, as well as animals and plants. After a rock is broken down, erosion takes the rock and minerals away.

How does weathering occur? Weathering is a result of processes or resources in the environment. This includes events such as wind, and objects like roots of plants. Weathering can be either mechanical (rocks are broken down by an external force) or chemical (rocks are broken down by a chemical reaction that causes change.

What is the best definition for weathering?

Weathering is defined. Weathering is the effect of weather conditions on the color, texture and composition of exposed objects. It refers to the physical disintegration or chemical decomposition earth materials near or at the surface of the earth.

What is weathering? Why is it important?

Weathering is important because: It produces unconsolidated material (parent matter) from which soil can be formed. smaller rocks are weathered for the minerals that make them up. Secondary minerals are formed from primary mineral.