Asked by: Petyo Laya
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Is reactive airway disease dangerous

Reactive airway disease (RAD), is not a medical term. Medical professionals are not comfortable with its use. It is not a defined term and can be used to refer to different conditions. Reactive airway disease is a condition where the bronchial tubes overreact to an irritant.

What is the best way to prevent reactive airway disease?

This usually involves using an inhaler to alleviate symptoms and taking long-term medication to manage the symptoms. The best way to reduce symptoms in reactive asthma is to avoid the irritant. Antihistamines and allergy medication may be helpful.

What are the symptoms for reactive airway disease? Share this on Pinterest. Reactive airway disease symptoms include wheezing and mucus buildup in the airways. This is often used to diagnose asthma.

Is there a difference in asthma and reactive airway diseases?

Although they may be interchangeable, the terms "reactive lung disease" and "asthma", are not always the same thing. The term reactive lung disease is often used to indicate that asthma may be suspected but not confirmed. These symptoms and signs may be due to asthma.

Are adults able to have reactive airway diseases?

Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome, which is controversial and poorly understood, is caused by inhalational injury. Although the symptoms are similar to asthma, they do not respond to asthma treatment. There is a possibility that symptoms can become chronic if they persist for longer than six months.