Asked by: Xaime Viethsen
Asked in category: science, genetics, science, genetics
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What evidence supports the model of Endosymbiotic origin for mitochondria and chloroplasts?

DNA and RNA, Ribosomes, and Protein Synthesis
The first piece needed to support the endosymbiotic hypothesis, was evidence as to whether mitochondria and chloroplasts possess their own DNA and if this DNA is comparable to bacterial DNA.

What evidence supports the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of mitochondria?

The DNA, RNA, and chloroplasts of mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to those for bacteria. This was the first concrete evidence for the endosymbiotic hypothesis.

What is the evidence for endosymbiosis theory? Explanation: Both the mitochondria (the organelle that generates energy) and the chloroplast (photosynthetic machine) have their own circular DNA. (The DNA molecules found in the nucleus eukaryotic cell's nucleus are in the form strings and are not circular. )

It is also asked: What evidence supports the theory that endosymbiosis Usatestprep

Endosymbiotic theory offers compelling evidence that mitochondrial and chloroplasts were once primitive bacteria cells. How are mitochondria and chloroplasts similar to prokaryotes. All except ONE of these apply.

What is Endosymbiotic theory for the origin of eukaryotic cell?

Endosymbiotic theory claims that some organelles found in eukaryotic cells were once made from prokaryotic microbes. The size of the prokaryotic cells is the same as that of the mitochondria, and they divide by binary fission. Each mitochondrial and chloroplast's DNA is circular and not linear.