Asked by: Genova Tarafa
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What is abnormal bronchial dilation and what causes it?

Bronchiectasis, an uncommon form of airway disease, is characterized by persistent dilation of the airways. It can be caused by a variety pathologic processes. Bronchiectasis patients have persistent or recurrent respiratory infections, and a cough that secretes a lot of secretions.

What is bronchial dilation, in turn?

Bronchiectasis refers to an irreversible dilation (bronchiectasis) of a portion of the breathing tubes (bronchi), caused by damage to the wall of the airway. Most common causes are severe or persistent respiratory infections. This is often seen in patients with an underlying condition such as a problem with their lungs, or their immune system.

This is also a hereditary condition that affects the lungs. Cystic Fibrosis

You may also wonder, "What is an occupational disorder that is commonly caused by dust particles inhalation?"

Pneumoconiosis can be described as an interstitial lung disease that is caused by inhaling certain types of dust particles. Pneumoconiosis can be described as an occupational lung disease because you are more likely to come across these dusts at work.

What is the name of the space between the lungs and the chest?

The pleural cavity, also called the pleural space or the pleural space is the thin, fluid-filled space that lies between the two pulmonary Pleurae (also known as visceral or parietal). A pleura, a membrane that is serous, folds over itself to form a membranous pleural sac.