Asked by: Nadina Bajanca
Asked in category: pets, fish and aquariums
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Troncon fish cut?

Some steaks retain a portion of their backbone. Supreme - A supreme - This is a prime, boneless cut from a loin or fillet. It can be either a block-cut (or bias-cut) and is the most desirable and best-choice cut of fish. A supreme cut, also known as a pavA(c), removes all bones from the filet.

What are the different cuts of fish?

These are seven types of fish cuts that we often see.

  • Fillet. Fillet is a cut of boneless meat or fish that can be used to make a fillet.
  • Paupiette. Paupiette can be described as a type roulade, sometimes also called a braciole.
  • Supreme.
  • Darne.
  • Butterfly.
  • Goujon.
  • TronASSon.

What is butterfly-cut fish? Butterflying involves removing most, but not all, of the bones from a fish. It also creates a larger cavity that can be used for stuffing. This is the main reason to butterfly fish. Butterflying is also known as kiting because the finished fish looks like a kite.

What is the best salmon cut?

The top loin, also known as the "tender loin", is the most expensive piece of salmon in Norway. It has a high fat to-flesh ratio making it ideal for all cooking styles including grilling, poaching and smoking as well as slow roasting and traditional gravlaks.

Which cut of fish is best?

A supreme cut is a fish slice made from a fillet with a slant. This is the most desirable and best-choice fish cut. A supreme cut, also known as a pave removes all bones from the fillet.