Asked by: Kiera Mohlmann
Asked in category: style and fashion, perfume and fragrance
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Do smells travel up or down?

2. Volatile terpenes, which are produced by certain temperatures, can cause odours to be smelt. These two factors led me to conclude that smell would travel. As if you could smell a bud on the floor, then the odour must have traveled up to reach your nose.

Do smells rise and sink in the same way?

The reason is that the compounds you smell are getting into the air and making their way to your olfactory systems. It rises from this perspective. The source of the scent will determine whether the scent sinks, or rises. I can answer your question by saying that scent doesn't have mass or weight.

Also, can smells travel through walls? The New York Times reports that smells can travel through walls, including food, smoke, and pet odors. While some of these smells can be annoying, others are more serious and may require medical attention.

Similar questions are asked about smell travel.

Through a process called diffusion, smells travel through the atmosphere. Air particles and odour particles in the air move freely in all directions. They move constantly and eventually spread through the air.

How far do smells travel?

As air is a mixture, its average mass is 28.9g/mol. If the room temperature is 27C/300K and the velocity of each individual gas particle is 500m/sec, it will result in a speed of approximately 1800 km/h.