Asked by: Adelinda Kleinhart
Asked in category: sports, fishing sports
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the average annual rainfall in Cabo San Lucas?


You may also wonder, "What is Cabo San Lucas' rainy season?"

Los Cabos has a dry, warm climate most of the year. There is a brief rainy season in the late summer and early autumn. The rains are most common in August and September. April and May are the driest month with little rain. The hottest months are July to October when temperatures hover around 30 degrees Celsius.

What is the best time to visit Cabo? The Best Time to Visit Cabo San Lucas. When the winter crowds are gone and the summertime hurricanes have yet not hit, Cabo is the best time to visit. You can also enjoy a vacation in October or November, but it is best to start your search for hotels early to avoid disappointment.

How many days does it rain in Cabo every day?

Cabo San Lucas has a desert climate. The winters bring the most dry weather to Cabo with an average of one day and half an in (10 millimetres), of rainfall each month. Summer brings one inch (21mm) of rainfall per month, with an average of two days.

What are the winter months of Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas' climate is tropical desert. It has a mild winter from December to March and a hot summer between May and October. There is also a period of rainy weather from July to September.