Asked by: Mhand Yudin
Asked in category: family and relationships, dating
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the best way to describe a friend?

Friendly is someone or something that demonstrates the characteristics of friendliness, such as kindness, help, or affection.
  1. A good example of a friendly gesture would be smiling, waving, and saying hello.
  2. An example of a friend is someone always kind.

How do you describe someone friendly?


  1. friendly. adjective. Friendly people are always friendly and kind to others.
  2. nice. adjective. Friendly, kind, and pleasant
  3. warm. adjective. Friendly and kind in a way that makes others feel at ease.
  4. genuine. adjective.
  5. pleasant. adjective.
  6. welcoming. adjective.
  7. amiable. adjective.
  8. good-natured. adjective.

What are the best words to describe yourself? Useful Words to Define Yourself (plus Examples)

  • Diligent / Loyal / Reliable.
  • Creative / Innovative / Visionary.
  • Motivated, Ambitious, Leader
  • Honesty, Ethical and Conscious
  • Friendly, Personable, Extrovert

How would you describe a great person, other than the above?

He's easy to talk to and very friendly.

  1. Affable a He is easy to talk with.
  2. A He is easy to talk to.
  3. Amiable is a He's kind and friendly.
  4. Charming a He has an amagica effect which makes people like him.
  5. Polite a He is good at saying aplease and athanks,a etc.
  6. A He is easy to like.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Use positive descriptive words in job interviews

Honest Assertive Attention
Direct Broad-Minded Committed
Conscientious Dynamic Customer-Oriented
Persistency Mature Methodical
Motivated Objective Tenacious