Asked by: Aniano Seves
Asked in category: technology and computing, web development, technology and computing, web development
Last Updated: 10th May 2024

What is the use .glimpse in ASP NET MVC?

Glimpse, a NuGet package that provides detailed performance information and debugging information for ASP.NET applications, is available. This extension allows developers to debug the performance and presentation layers of ASP.Net apps. It also includes the ability to debug your Ajax calls.

What is Mlimpse MVC, you ask?

Glimpse, a growing and vibrant family of open-source NuGet packages, provides detailed performance and debugging information for ASP.NET applications. It allows you to drill into your app to see what's happening at the server.

How do you debug a website application? Chrome

  1. Step 1: Open the Chrome web browser and open your application.
  2. Step 2: Inspect your web page in the developer console and choose source tab. Or, go to View a Source a Developer.
  3. Step 3: Set a breakpoint in your source code that is similar to what was done in Mozilla browser.

How do I debug an MVC application?

To debug a MVC solution:

  1. Create your solution and you can open your site in any web browser.
  2. Your breakpoint(s), place them in your server-side code.
  3. Select Attach to process under Debug > (Or ctrl+ alt + p).
  4. Click attach to open the process list.

How can I debug a.NET app?

Debugging the App

  1. Start Dbgclr.exe in the folder where you have installed the Microsoft.NET Framework SDK.
  2. To ensure that Aspnet_wp.exe is running, use a Web browser.
  3. Open the source file you wish to debug: click on the.