Asked by: Achoucha Jaganov
Asked in category: business and finance, financial reform
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the meaning of import substitution?

Import substitution. Import substitution is a strategy that encourages domestic industry development by emphasizing the replacement of imported goods with domestically manufactured goods.

People also ask: How does import substitution work?

The import substitution method substitutes locally-produced goods and services for those produced externally, particularly basic necessities like food and energy. This allows local communities to spend their hard-earned money within their borders.

What is India's import substitution policy? This policy aims to alter the economic structure of India by substituting domestic goods for foreign goods. Post-Independence India adopted policy for import substitution and imposed heavy tariffs on imported duty. The country's industrial policy was tied to its trade policy.

What are the benefits of substituting imports?

In countries with large domestic markets, import substitution is very popular. Promoting local industries has many benefits for large economies: Import reduction, job creation, and savings in foreign currency which reduces the strain on foreign reserves.

What are the import and export substitution policy?

Import substitution is the replacement of imports by local manufacturing. It's intended to reduce a country’s expenses. Adam Smith would classify it as a policy for poor and austere countries. Export promotion encourages local production to produce for foreign markets. It's intended to increase a country’s revenue.