Asked by: Wm Tonon
Asked in category: healthy living, weight loss
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the average American's daily calorie intake?

In 2014, Americans consumed an average 3,770 calories daily. This is nearly twice the daily recommended intake for healthy adults who want to maintain their weight.

How much food does an average American consume per day?

The American average consumes over 3,600 calories per day. This is 24% more than the average of 2,880 calories in 1961.

You might also wonder, "What is the average American diet?" A typical American diet consists of approximately 2,200 calories daily, 50% from carbohydrates, 15% protein and 35% fat.

This being said, what is the most popular American food?

It is true that pizza is the one food most Americans want to eat every day. 21 percent of respondents chose it as their answer. It beat steak (16%), tacos (11%), pasta (11%) and even the undisputed American hamburger (13%)

What are the most common foods that an average person eats?

7.3% of the total sample ate fewer than 16 unique food items, while 4.3% ate 41 or more. The average total score for all foods was 43. Most people reported between 20 to 60 total food items.