Asked by: Pascu Eijkman
Asked in category: movies, fantasy movies
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is the setting for Sleeping Beauty?

Castle In The Forest
The castle where the Prince meets Princess Rose is the main setting of the story. It is the castle that the Prince actually lives in, and not a replica.

What is Maleficent's setting?

Ashridge estate

What is the theme of Sleeping Beauty, second? True love conquers all. Pure, innocent love is the key to defeating all obstacles in Disney's 14-century fairy tale.

What is the plot of Sleeping Beauty's story?

The evil witch Maleficent (Eleanor Audley), filled with jealousy, curses Princess Aurora (Mary Costa), to die on her 16th Birthday. Aurora is only able to fall into deep sleep thanks to the help of her guardian fairies (Verna Flton, Barbara Jo Allen, and Barbara Luddy). This can be broken by a kiss from Prince Phillip (Bill Shirley). Maleficent takes Phillip hostage and locks him up to stop him from saving Aurora. Phillip is rescued by the good fairies, who are his last hope of waking Aurora.

What is the conflict between Sleeping Beauty and The White Queen?

Major conflict A* Maleficent curses Princess Aurora when she is born. He makes her spin on a spinning-wheel and then leaves her to die. Aurora is saved by three fairies who alter the curse and hide her in a forest with the assumed name of Briar Rose.