Asked by: Janeen Baumhofer
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health, medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

What is the oxygen consumption of a nebuliser?

On the drug kardex, prescriptions must be made for the nebuliser driving gasoline (oxygen or oxygen). A rate of 6-8 l/min is recommended when using oxygen.

You may also wonder, "Does a nebulizer make any oxygen?"

A nebulizer device is a portable medical device that delivers medication to the lungs and respiratory tract. It creates mist. Oxygen or compressed air or ultrasonic energy make aerosol drops from the medication. The user inhales the droplets into his lungs.

The same goes for a nebuliser. How often should it be used? You may be told by your doctor to use your nebuliser regularly or when you feel short of breath or wheezy. Between doses, allow 3-6 hours. Always follow your doctor's instructions The usual starting dose is 2.5 mg, which can be increased to up to 4 times daily.

It is also important to determine the rate at which air should flow to allow effective Nebulization.

Nebuliser systems Gas flow rates of at minimum 6 L/min are required in order to produce enough particles from the solution in 5-10 min.

How do you administer the nebuliser?

These are the basic steps for setting up and using your nebulizer:

  1. Make sure to wash your hands often
  2. Connect the hose to an Air compressor.
  3. Fill the medicine cup and fill it with your prescription.
  4. Attach the mouthpiece and hose to the medicine glass.
  5. Place the mouthpiece into your mouth.
  6. Breathe in your mouth until the medication is gone.