Asked by: Kaltoum Capel
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What is the only planet known to support life?

Although other solar system bodies, like Saturn's moon Titan and NASA still hope to find microbes under Mars' surface, may have been once hospitable to life, Earth remains the only planet that supports life.

So, which planet could support life?


  • Part of understanding planetary habitability involves extrapolating the conditions on Earth. This is the only planet that supports life.
  • Potentially, moons of gas giants could be habitable.
  • Mars is, due to its rarefied atmosphere and temperature, colder than Earth if it were located at the same distance from the Sun.

You might also wonder, "What is the reason why life exists on Earth?" Because of the age of the oldest rocks containing fossil evidence of life, we know that life started at least 3.5 billion year ago. These rare rocks are not common because of subsequent geologic processes that have altered the surface of the planet. They often destroy older rocks and make new ones.

How many planets could support life on these seven planets?

Potentially habitable zone status. Astronomers reported in November 2013 that there could be up to 40 billion Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones between Sun-like stars in the Milky Way and red dwarfs in the Milky Way. 11 billion of these may be orbiting Sunspot stars.

Can humans live on Uranus without any restrictions?

Uranus, an ice giant has no true surface. It is mostly made up of swirling fluids. Although a spacecraft wouldn't have the ability to land on Uranus without being damaged, it would not be able to navigate its atmosphere. A metal spacecraft would be destroyed by extreme temperatures and pressures.