Asked by: Hama Sarries
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What are Azure servers?

Operating system: Linux, Microsoft Windows

What is Microsoft Azure used for?

The core of Azure , Azure , is a public cloud computing platform that offers solutions such as Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service. These services can be used for services like analytics, storage, and networking.

What is Azure and how does it work? Microsoft Azure is a collection of cloud-based services that can be used to create, deploy and manage web applications. It's available through Microsoft's global network of knowledge centers. You can run cloud applications or improve your existing applications using its versatile platform.

Also, do you know that Azure is a web server?

Microsoft Azure Web Sites supports multiple technologies and programming languages, including.NET, node.js PHP, Python, and MySQL. Microsoft Azure subscribers can create websites and embed code and content into them.

What are Azure components?

Microsoft Azure includes important components such as Compute, Storage and Database, Monitoring & Management Services, Content Delivery Network, Azure Networking and Web & Mobile Services.