Asked by: Gulnara Jelyabovsky
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What are the four representations of a function?

  • Symbolic and algebraic representation .
  • Numerical (tables).
  • Graphical representation.
  • Verbal representation .

What are the four ways you can represent a function?

1.1: Four ways to represent a function

  • How to determine if a relation is a function.
  • Use Function Notation.
  • Use tables to represent functions
  • Find Output and Input Values for a Function.
  • Formulas for Evaluating Functions
  • Evaluation of a Function in Tabular Form.
  • Find Function Values From a Graph.

What are the three basic ways to represent a particular function? Key points

  1. An expression verbally can represent a function. The circumference of a square, for example, is four times the width of one of its sides.
  2. An algebraic representation of a function is possible. For example, 3x+6 = 3x+6 + 6
  3. A function can also be represented numerically.
  4. An illustration can show a function.

So, what are the different representations of a particular function?

A function is a relationship between variables that is dependent on each other. A function can be represented using words to explain the relationship between variables.

How do you know if a relationship has a function?

How to: Given a relationship among two quantities, determine if the relationship is a functional one.

  • Identify the input values.
  • Identify the output values.
  • If each input value only leads to one output value, you can classify the relationship in a function.