Asked by: Ludovico Wolfli
Asked in category: business and finance, government business
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What year was the Big Bend constructed?

June 12, 1944

Is the Big Bend currently being constructed?

New York City's proposed skyscraper, The Big Bend, is being built. Oiio Studio in New York designed the skyscraper. It has been called the longest building in the entire world.

What is the longest building in the world? Burj Khalifa

Is the Big Bend really real?

The Big Bend, a curving skyscraper measuring 4,000 feet long and planned for Manhattan's Billionaire's Row, is called the Big Bend. Oiio Studio is the creator of this skyscraper. Manhattan has a huge space problem. Because there isn't enough space, architects build up.

Is New York building au shaped building?

The world's longest skyscraper could be a giant U-shaped building designed for New York City. Manhattan developers keep building skyscrapers higher and higher, but Ioannis Oikonomou, a Greek architect, hopes to set a new record. The Big Bend is currently a concept.