Asked by: Srivatsa Isaev
Asked in category: books and literature, art and photography books
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

What is the irony in I Live at The PO?

Irony: Stella-Rondo's grandfather gave her the job at P.O., and she now lives there. Stella -Rondo makes her sister look terrible while making herself appear innocent in every scene. Stella-Rondo could be asked if her child is adopted. This could help to determine if Stella-Rondo had sex prior to marriage.

Hence, Why Do I Live at The PO?

Eudora Welty is an American writer and photographer. "Why I Live At the P.O." is a brief story. It was published in her book A Curtain of Green (1941). Welty took a photo of Welty showing a woman ironing in a back office. This inspired the work.

Sister, what does the PO symbolise? Sister sees the post office as both freedom and danger. It is a refuge for Sister and a place to escape from her family. As a postmistress, she has some independence and a place to turn to when her family life is difficult.

This is why I live at the PO unreliable narration.

Eudora Welty's short story "Why I Live At the P.O." shows Sister as the unreliable narrator. Be careful what you believe! Sister is being harassed by her family because she refuses to admit that Stella-Rondo had an out of wedlock child and they are accepting her side against Sister's.

When was Why I live at the PO first published?