Asked by: Elihu Lopez De Los Mozos
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What does the medical term apex refer to?

Apex: A Latin term for summit, the Apex is the top of a pyramidal, rounded structure such as the lung, or the heart. The tip of the lung's most superior, rounded portion is its apex.

Similar questions are asked: What is the apex?

apex. An organ's tip with a pointed ending. The apex is located on the lower left side of the heart, while the apex is located at the top of the lung.

What is the right-hand apex? The right apex is located in the lower right ventricular chamber, just below the flow from tricuspid. It is located close to, but separated from the left-ventricular apex via the interventricular septal walls.

What is the apex?

The apex or top of the heart. The tip of your left ventricle, just opposite the base of your heart. The apex of the heart is very responsive to each heartbeat. You can feel the point of maximum impulse (PMI), on the chest wall, above the . Also see: apex.

What is the synonym for Apex?

peak, height, pinnacle, summit, end, top, culmination, tip, acme. apex (noun) The edge or end of a vein closest to the surface. Synonyms: culmination, tip, summit, top, height, end, acme, pinnacle, peak.