Asked by: Estilita Reyes
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is expressive writing?

Expressive writing can be described as a type of therapy where individuals express their feelings and thoughts about a traumatic or stressful life event. Sometimes, expressive writing is also known as written disclosure because it requires that the writer disclose their personal thoughts and feelings.

What is expressive writing in English, then?

Expressive writing refers to writing that is both personal and emotional. It does not include punctuation, verb agreement, nor any other technical aspects.

Why is expressive writing so important? It seems important to think about and express emotions. Writing can help people organize their thoughts and give meaning to trauma experiences. Writing may also help them learn how to manage their emotions.

This in mind, how can you create expressive writing?

Expression Writing

  1. Express Yourself
  2. Be Your Own Researcher
  3. Time: For four consecutive days, write at least 20 minutes per day.
  4. Topic: Your topic should be personal and relevant to you.
  5. Writing is a continuous process: Don't worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

What is narrative expressive writing?

A new study reports that narrative expressive writing, which is not only about the emotions but also creates a narrative of their experiences, may help reduce stress-related cardiovascular problems in divorce cases.