Asked by: Naomi Strathmann
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

What is the difference between infrared and blue flame?

Both Blue Flame and Infrared have Oxygen Depletion Sensors. Infrared heaters can be very targeted. Blue Flame heaters take longer to heat a room because it convects the whole area. Infrared heaters, on the other hand, provide instant warmth as directional heat to objects within its direct line of sight.

What is the difference between red and blue flames?

The flame's outermost layer, or the blue flame, is hotter than its Yellow or Red counterparts because there is an acomplete combustiona.

What is the difference between radiant heat and infrared? Radiant Heating (IR) is a form heat energy transfer from an Infrared radiant power source. Radiant heating is electromagnetic waves. Infrared radiation (IR), although longer than visible light, has a shorter wavelength than microwaves.

Eventually, you might also wonder, "What is better, radiant heat or blue flame?"

Blue-flame heaters can be used in insulated spaces while infrared heaters work well in uninsulated areas. Vent-free heaters are only meant to be used as supplemental heat sources.

Are blue flame heaters safe to use?

Space heaters can be used safely if they are properly used. They are often the most efficient solution. They can also be dangerous in some cases. Blue Flame Heating & Air Conditioning professionals are available to discuss the pros and cons.