Asked by: Gumercinda Heins
Asked in category: real estate, houses
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What were Stuart houses made of?

Merchants lived in stone houses that were well-furnished. Timber-framed houses were used by ordinary citizens. Bricks were costly and could only be used to build houses for the wealthy.

This being said, what materials were used to build houses in the 17th Century?

Poor People's Homes in 17th Century. In the Middle Ages, homes for the common man were made mostly of wood. Many were rebuilt or built in brick or stone in the 16th and 17th centuries . Even poor people lived in brick- and stone-built houses by the end of 17th century.

What is the difference between a Victorian and a Georgian house? Contrary to popular belief terraced housing was not common before the Victorian era. Many Georgian properties were built in a terrace. Victorian homes often have one room, with narrow hallways leading to the various entertaining rooms.

What was the difference between the Tudors and the Stuarts?

1 Henry VII was the first Tudor to ascend the throne, in 1485. 2 Elizabeth I was the last Tudor, she died in 1603. 3 James VI of Scotland was made James I of England in 1603, becoming the first member of the Stuart families. From 1649 to 1660, Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth interrupted the Stuarts.

How did the Stuarts lose control of the throne

James VI was born in 1603 and, through Margaret Tudor, his great-grandmother, took the English throne. The Stuarts were expelled from the throne after the execution (1649), of James's son Charles II. This was until Charles II restored it in 1660.