Asked by: Mykhailo San Martin
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is EF Migration?

You can make modifications to your model, then transfer those changes to the database schema using the migrations feature. Migrations can be enabled by default in EEF Core. You can manage them by running commands. Visual Studio users can manage migrations using the Package Manager Console (PMC).

Keeping these things in mind, what is migration within the EF core?

Migration allows you to maintain the database schema in line with the EF Core model while preserving data. To keep your database schema current, you must run migration every time you modify domain classes.

What does add migration do in the same way? Add-Migration creates a new class according to a specified name using the Up() or Down() methods. Update-Database : This command executes the Add-Migration command to create a new migration class and makes changes to the database schema.

Know how to get rid of the core migration EF?

In the command window, type "dotnet remove" in the folder that contains the project. json file.

  1. Revert migration to database: PM> Update Database priormigration-name>
  2. Remove migration file from your project.
  3. Update model snapshot: PM> Remove-Migration.

What is migration in MVC, you ask?

You can modify the data model and then deploy the changes to production.