Asked by: Peregrino Steinstrass
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

What is the Dicrotic notch caused by?

The dicrotic notch is explained in most medical textbooks as a result of the closure of the aortic valve (5,10-19,26,29 and 34). Therefore, the dicrotic notch could be caused by a brief period of backward blood flow immediately before the aortic vale closes.

What does the Dicrotic notch actually represent?

The closure of the aortic annulus is represented by the dicrotic notch. The diastolic phase is the run-off blood into the peripheral circulation.

What is a Dicrotic Wave? A secondary upstroke in a pulse trace in the descending section corresponds to the transient rise in aortic pressure after the closure of the valve. Also known as dicrotic wave.

Correspondingly, on what pressure waveform and what cause is it?

The closure of an aortic valve is associated with the dicrotic-notch. It is typically seen about one-third of a pressure wave's descending limb.

What happens in the cardiovascular system when we see a Dicrotic node?

The dicrotic notch is a small dip in blood pressure that occurs when the pressure within the ventricles falls below the pressure in the pulmonary trunk or aorta. To prevent blood backflow into the heart, the semilunar valves are closed.