Asked by: Masako Juaristi
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 10th May 2024

What do the Union and the Confederacy have in common?

Union soldiers fought for the Union, while the common Confederate fought for his homeland. Later on in the war, increasing numbers Federal soldiers fought for the abolishment of slavery.

How were the Union, the Confederacy and this situation alike?

When the war started, the Union and Confederacy had distinct economies and different resources. The Union had three times the free population than the Confederacy and they had enlisted twice as many men by the end. They also had three-times the money as the Confederacy.

What advantages did the Union have over Confederacy during the war? There were many advantages that the Union had over the Confederacy. The North had more people than the South. The Union also had a industrial economy, while the Confederacy had a purely agricultural economy. The Union had the most natural resources like iron, coal, and gold and also had a well-developed rail network.

What did the North and South share during civil war?

Because it required more slaves, agriculture was at the heart of their economy. Most of Civil War's was . The South was. They wanted to expand slavery. They didn't have as many factories than the North.

What were the strengths of the North and South?

Despite having a larger population than the North, however, the South maintained an army that was almost equal in size for the first year. The North also had a huge industrial advantage. The Confederacy was able to produce only one-ninth of the Union's industrial output at the start of the war.