Asked by: Marcell Silles
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

What is the best substitute for capers

Green olives

What are capers like?

Capers, also known as flower buds, should not be confused with the fruits of the plant, caper berries. If the buds are not harvested, they will eventually bear white or pink flowers. Then come the berries. Caper Berries are more olive-sized than caps. Capers and caperberries can be eaten raw or pickled.

Are peppercorns and capers the same thing? Capers are the unopened flowers buds of the plant, not a fruit like peppercorns. Capers can be preserved in salt brine or vinegar much like green peppercorns. Capers, while tangy and salty, don't have the same peppery flavor or mild heat as green peppercorns.

What can you substitute for chicken piccata with capers?

Capers are a great alternative to green olives, as they have similar bitter and salty flavors. They can be used in chicken piccata and other casseroles, sauces, or salads.

Are Capers a good substitute for olives

You can substitute 1/2 cup olives for 2 to 3 tablespoons capers. This will still give you a salty, pickled taste, but only a fraction of calories. You can substitute the chopped green olives in this Roasted Bell Pepper-and-Olive Pizza with additional capers.