Asked by: Elenor Kaufold
Asked in category: style and fashion, makeup and accessories
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is the best plastic lubricant?

Silicone oil is extremely slippery and has minimal reactive properties, so it can be used to lubricate almost any material. Silicon oil is excellent for lubricating porous objects such as plastic parts. It also works well with locks, hinges and guns. Like all things, silicone also has its dark side.

Also, what is the best plastic gear lubricant?

Most lubricants that are based on silicone, perflourinated, most synthetic hydrocarbons, PAO or SHC, or mineral oils, work well with plastics. Plastics will not tolerate lubricants that are based on esters and polyglycols. However, there may be exceptions depending upon the plastic.

The next question is: Is Vaseline a good plastic lubricant? Vaseline, a petroleum jelly, can degrade plastics. It is also about 8000 lbs. It glues the gears, not lube. A little bit of white lithium grease is enough.

What is the best lubricant to use on plastic and metal?

Metal-on-Plastic Lubricants with silicone or PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) are best for use on plastic surfaces. Hydrophobic means it repels water so PTFE-based lubricants are best for damp conditions.

Is wd40 safe on plastic?

It can be used on metal, rubber and wood as well as plastic. You can also apply it to painted metal surfaces without causing damage. Clear polystyrene and polycarbonate are the only surfaces that can be used without a petroleum-based product such as WD-40 Multi-Use Products.