Asked by: Tiffanie Mcclosk
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What can I substitute for banana leaves?

Substitute Banana Leaves
Fresh corn husks, fresh parchment paper. You can either use dried (soaked), bamboo leaves or dried (soaked), corn husks, depending on the recipe.

So, what do you do about banana tree leaves?

Banana Trees

  1. Eating sweet bananas can be delicious.
  2. Banana fruit peels can be eaten.
  3. The stem can be eaten.
  4. Stem fibres can be used as natural crafts materials.
  5. To make garments, you can use fibres from the banana plant.
  6. You can use banana leaves as natural leaf platters.
  7. You can use steamed banana leaves to pack your lunch.

Do I need to cut off the dead leaves from my banana tree? Banana trees don't need to be trimmed, but it is a good idea to trim old, dying leaves. The leaves which rub against the banana bunch can be removed to increase fruit production. Banana trees are tall so be ready to climb if you want to trim the topmost leaves.

You might also be interested in the health benefits of banana leaves.

Banana leaf eating has many health benefits.

  • They stimulate the appetite.
  • A good remedy for inflammation
  • It kills all germs.
  • Treatments for kidney and bladder problems.
  • Purifies blood.
  • It soothes the mucous lining, and treats ulcers.

Do I trim the banana plant's brown leaves?

Pruning. Banana plants require occasional pruning. When they turn brown, you should remove the dead bottom leaves . You should trim the dead banana leaves to within a few inches from the main stalk.