Asked by: Abdelbasset Fanegas
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

When is ferrous fumarate tablet recommended?

Ferrous fumarate is most effective when taken empty stomach. Take it at least 30 minutes before or two hours after you eat. If it upsets your stomach, you can take this with or after food. A doctor or pharmacist may recommend ferrous fumarate mixed with orange juice or a vitamin-C supplement.

Simply put, when should you take ferrous fumarate.

Ferrous fumarate should be taken on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after eating. Avoid taking antibiotics or antacids within two hours of taking ferrous fumarate. Take this medication along with a glass of water. You should not chew, crush, or break ferrous fumarate tablets.

What are the side effects associated with ferrous fumarate use? Ferrous fumarate side effects

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • Loss of appetite or.
  • Black or dark-colored stool or urine.

Additionally, should I take iron supplements at night or morning?

Iron is best absorbed on empty stomachs. Supplements can cause stomach upset. Avoid stomach upset by taking supplements in divided doses morning to evening. Avoid taking iron supplements with milk or other antacids.

What is ferrous fumarate tablets 210mg used for?

Ferrous Fumarate Tablets can be used to treat or prevent iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in pregnancy is usually prevented by a combination iron and folic acids.