Asked by: Shad Vohrer
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

How do you remove scratches from kitchen cabinets?

Touch-Up Pen: Use a match furniture stain pen to mark the scratch. Wipe off any excess using a soft, clean towel. Wax Pencil - For deep scratches use a wax pencil or crayon to rub the indentation. To remove excess wax, use a soft, clean cloth.

This is how to remove scratches from cabinets.

Touch-Up Pen: Use a match furniture stain pen to mark the scratch. Wipe off any excess using a soft, clean towel. Wax Pencil - For deep scratches use a wax pencil or crayon to rub the indentation. To remove excess wax, use a soft, clean cloth.

How do you remove scratches from acrylic cabinets? 1. Use one piece 600 grit Sandpaper to wet it. Next, use it in a circular motion over the scratched area. Then use a piece 600 grit Sandpaper to dry it. For around 3 to 4 minutes, rub both dry and wet sandpapers. Do not worry if the acrylic appears more scratched or frosty. This will disappear during the process.

How can you remove scratches from high gloss kitchen cabinets?

I have had great success polishing scratches from plastic using a fine, wet-and-dry polish. Use a high quality polish for your car. Apply it with a soft cloth and turn it often. Then, buff off the polish gently once dry.

Is it possible to fix wood scratches with olive oil and vinegar?

Domestic Bliss Squared was a quick and easy way to fix those scratches. Mix 3/4 cup olive oil with 1/4 cup vinegar. You can then rub the mixture on your furniture. That's it!