Asked by: Radko Pickard
Asked in category: pets, reptiles
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What is the Arizona distribution of brown recluse spiders?

According to the Arizona Cooperative Extension, we do not have any brown recluse spider colonies in Arizona. They are also not native to our area. Although it is unlikely that you will encounter true brown recluses spiders in Arizona, there are some Arizona recluse and desert recluse spiders near your home.

Are there any brown recluse spiders living in Phoenix?

Brown Recluse spiders may not be as common as people think in the Greater Phoenix Valley. Untrained eyes often mistake Brown Recluse Spiders for other spiders. They can be found in homes and other unassisted areas.

You might also wonder if Arizona recluse spiders are poisonous. Reluse spider bites, such as the Arizona brown spider can cause necrosis (tissue death). Fatalities are rare. Here are some graphic images of spider bite necrosis.

What poisonous spiders can you find in Arizona?

Venomous spiders in Arizona The Black Widow Spider and Brown Recluse Spider are the most dangerous. They are obedient and will not bite if threatened. Despite the fact that they can be very painful, neither species has been known to cause any deaths.

What spiders are found in Arizona?

There are many common types of spiders in Arizona. These include the Arizona brown spider (recluse), the black widow, the hobo spider and tarantula. You can find the black widow, house spider, wolf Spider, and recluse in Arizona's residential communities.