Asked by: Edinalva Jewett
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Who wrote the Popular Mechanics short story

D. is a fiction writer who was also a former English professor at Hawaii Pacific University. Raymond Carver's short story "Popular Mechanics"

What issue is resolved in Popular Mechanics, besides this?

The story ends with the husband and wife tearing apart their baby. The issue that is "decided is who gets the baby. These last lines show that the parents did not kill the baby and neither one of them got the baby.

What is the irony of the story Popular Mechanics, you ask? In the story "Popular Mechanics", Carver uses irony as a way to communicate his theme. Irony a device that shows a reality other than what it appears to be. Verbal irony is when a person says one thing and means the opposite.

What does the baby symbolise in Popular Mechanics, too?

The baby is the symbol of innocence in Raymond Carver's "Popular Mechanics" short story. The narrator already infers in the first sentence that things are not going well in the household.

What is Popular Mechanics' climax?

The resolution in the short story overlaps with the climax. The physical clenching of the baby by the man and the woman is the climax.