Asked by: Nazario Sabola
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

My oven smells like gas when it is on.

Gas Odors from Gas Ranges. When the oven starts, it's normal for the range to emit an unusual smell. The smell is caused when gas is burned at the burner. It will disappear as soon as the oven warms up. People often compare the smell of unburned gases to the smell of rotten eggs.

It is also important to understand if the oven can smell like gas.

It has no odor by itself. It takes a few seconds to turn on an oven and it will be normal to smell of gas. The smell should dissipate quickly once the oven has been lit and is operating properly. You should shut down the oven immediately if you detect gas.

Do I need to smell propane when my oven's on? Never, ever smell propane near your stove. There is a leak or discharge and it must be fixed immediately. However, it is normal to smell propane when you hook up a tank or turn on the burner to light it.

You may also wonder, "How do I tell if my oven leaks gas?"

A gas leak can be detected when your oven or stove smells like gas. However, not all gas leaks can be so obvious. Slow leaks might not cause an smell. To spot a stove leak, you will need to look out for other signs. A yellow or orange flame is one sign that the stove's gas leak is present.

What can you do if your stove smells of gas?

If you smell gas while using the stove, do not continue to use it. After turning off the burner, turn off the main gasoline supply. Open windows and turn on fans to ventilate the area. An appliance technician can check for leaks and loose connections.