Asked by: Sonia Vecino
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction, books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is the age difference between Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester?

Jane is 18 years old, and the age difference between Rochester and Jane has been rarely reflected in screen adaptations of BrontA's Gothic melodrama.

Also, find out how old Mr Rochester is in Jane Eyre.

35 years

Similar, what is the relationship of Jane and Mr Rochester? Jane and Mr. Rochester's relationship was built on intelligent equality at the beginning. Mr. Rochester is impressed by Jane's honesty and responds to his questions. This prompts him to probe more into her thinking process than just judging her social status or physical features.

What personality type is Mr Rochester?

Mr. Rochester: ENTP. Definitely. Although I could see the argument for ENTJ, I think he is an extrovert.

Why is Mr Rochester dressed as a gypsy?

Jane, however, avoids giving direct answers to the gypsy due to her modesty, and her awareness of the unlikely romance between them. Mr. Rochester disguises himself as a gypsy and becomes a poor beggar.