Asked by: Shari Moiua
Asked in category: business and finance, human resources
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is multicultural education and its dimensions?

The Dimensions Multicultural Education
These include content integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction and equity pedagogy. They also require a school culture and social structure that empowers students (Banks 1995a). This dimension also teaches students how to create knowledge for themselves.

The same question could be asked about multicultural education.

Multicultural Education is any education that includes the history, texts, values and perspectives of people of different cultural backgrounds.

You might also wonder, "What are the major goals of multicultural education?" Goals of Multicultural Education

  • Educational Equity
  • Empowerment of students and their parents and caretakers
  • The Creation of a Society That Values Cultural Pluralism.
  • Intercultural/Interethnic/Intergroup Understanding in the Classroom, School, and Community.
  • Freedom for individuals and groups

Herein, how does Banks define multicultural education?

Banks and Banks (2001), define multicultural education as: A movement to improve the educational system, an idea, and a process. The goal of this movement is to create a diverse student body, outstanding students, and students from different racial, cultural, and language backgrounds.

What are the components in multicultural education?

School reform and multicultural education Multicultural education consists of three main components: an idea, an educational reform movement, and a process. (Banks 1993a).