Asked by: Billie Vyazovchenko
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

How can you attract gophers to your yard?

Fresh and succulent parts of vegetable roots and stems are the best bait for gophers. Gophers love peanut butter, carrot sticks, celery sticks and apples.

How can you attract gophers to your yard?

It is best to act quickly using one of these three methods:

  1. Place a live trap on the gopher and let it go.
  2. Castor oil pellets and peppermint oil can be used to repel the gopher.

Also, do coffee grounds repel gophers? When you are done brewing your coffee, add the grounds to the tunnels. Cover them with soil. The coffee ground can be mixed into your soil. It will repel the gophers and fertilize your plants. It will make gophers flee.

What do gophers also hate most?

Mulch or gravel. Mulch or Gravel should be used around plants to stop gophers pulling them underground and eating their tops. Mulch makes it more difficult for animals to dig through and is also less appealing to their noses.

What is the most disgusting smell that gophers have?

Gophers don't like peppermint smell so this non-lethal method of gopher control can be used to rid your yard and garden of these subterranean rodents.