Asked by: Xiaoxiong Mitterbacher
Asked in category: video gaming, exercise and fitness video games
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the maximum rubber band can stretch?

Use more rubber band in the exact same manner, except stretch them to 15 cm, 20cm, 25cm or 30cm.

You might also wonder if the rubber band's thickness affects how far it can stretch.

Yes, rubber bands with thicker rubber bands are more difficult to stretch than those with thinner rubber bands.

How far can a rubber band fly? The average distance that a rubber band can fly is 98 cm for the thicker rubber bands and 79 cm for the thinner ones. The average distance the thick rubberband flew was 19 cm more than the thinner rubberband. The rubber band that is thicker will fly farther.

What happens if you stretch a rubberband?

The rubber becomes stretched and the bonds between the adjacent chains are broken. When a rubber band is stretched, heat energy is lost. When heat is applied to a rubber band, it will lose heat energy. This is unlike other materials.

Why does the elastic band with thin ends stretch out more?

You can pull the spaghetti-shaped molecules in a straight line by stretching a rubber band. This causes them to pull inwardly on the rubber bands. The rubber stretched tries to be short and thick so that the molecules have more space to move sideways.