Asked by: Fannie Caetano
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What is n tier architecture in MVC?

MVC is a pattern of programming where different parts of code are responsible to represent the Model, View and Controller in an application. MVC does not provide details about how an app's architecture is implemented. N-tier refers to an implementation's physical structure.

You may also wonder, "What does N Tier architecture refer to?"

N-tier architecture in software engineering is a client/server architecture concept where presentation, processing and data management functions can be separated logically as well as physically.

You may also wonder, "How does n-tier architecture work?" N-tier architecture is the division of a system into N levels, where N can be a number between 1 and 10. A tier architecture has the same functionality as a single-process architecture. A 2 Tier Architecture is the exact same as a client/server architecture, etc. The GUI tier, or presentation, contains the application's user interface.

Consider this: What is the n-tier architecture with an example?

There are also n-tier architecture models with more than three levels. Examples applications have these Tiers. Services are such as print, directory and database services. The tier that hosts Java, DCOM and CORBA as well as other application server objects.

What are the advantages of n-tier architecture?

N Tier architecture offers the following benefits: better scaling, finer security control and fault tolerance, independent tier upgradability and changing ability without affecting any other tiers. Friendly and efficient development. Friendly maintenance. Friendly new feature additions. Better reusability