Asked by: Jaymie Morote
Asked in category: travel, north america travel
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Mexico's average June temperature?

June 2020
28 28Adeg Historical AveragesHist. Avg. 29 28Adeg Historical AveragesHist. Avg. 30 28Adeg Historical AveragesHist. Avg.
83Adeg 83Adeg 82Adeg
28Adeg 28Adeg 28Adeg

What is the weather like in Mexico in June?

June, Riviera Maya, Mexico is the hottest month of the year. The average temperature is an astonishing 28AdegC. This is due to highs up to 32AdegC as well as lows down to 26AdegC. Each day, there are nine hours of sunlight. 28 degrees Celsius is the sea temperature. The month has 12 rainy days.

What is Mexico's hottest month? The hot season lasts 3.5 months and is defined as a period with a daily average temperature of 88 degrees F. July 31 is the hottest day in the year, with an average temperature of 90AdegF. The lowest temperature is 76AdegF.

It is also worth knowing if June is a good month to visit Mexico.

Mexico's best season is December through April. During these months you can experience the cactus state when it's warm and dry. You want to avoid the crowds but still enjoy a peaceful time? You will find May and June to be the best months.

Is June the rainy season in Mexico?

The rainy season in central or southern Mexico runs from May to June through October or November. Tropical storms and hurricanes can often go hand-in–hand during the rainy season. If you are planning on traveling during this period of the year, make sure to read about hurricane season travel.