Asked by: Dorin Cadorniga
Asked in category: technology and computing, information and network security, technology and computing, information and network security
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What is group Polarisation in psychology?

Group polarization is a term used in social psychology to describe a tendency for a group of people to make decisions that are more extreme or contrary to their initial inclinations.

What is group polarization in psychology?

These include decisions and discussions about public policy, terrorism and college life. Jury verdicts are one example informational influence within group Polarization. Sporting events are another example of group polarization.

What causes group polarization in an organization? Group polarization can occur within an organization for two reasons. The first is the idea of social comparison. Most people approach group decision-making thinking that their opinions are superior to those of the others.

People also ask: What is group psychology?

A group is a group of people who interact with each other, share common identities, and accept the same expectations and obligations. Members of a group might share common characteristics such as values, interests, ethnic or socio-economic background, and/or kinship connections.

What is group Polarization Quizlet?

group polarization. The tendency for groups make decisions that are more extreme then the initial decision of its members. Decisions = greater risk if individuals' initial tendencies to be cautious. risky shift.