Asked by: Romeo Crawley
Asked in category: healthy living, senior health, healthy living, senior health
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is disc space narrowing?

Spondylosis is a spinal condition that results from the degeneration of intervertebral disks in the spine. This causes a narrowing of space occupied by discs and the presence bone spurs. spinal stenosis is the narrowing of both the spinal canal and the nerve-root canal, as well as the swelling of the facet joints.

What causes disc narrowing, then?

Spinal stenosis refers to a condition that results in a narrowing or narrowing of the spinal canal. This narrowing is caused by degeneration of both the intervertebral disks and the facet joints. This condition is known as osteophytes, or bone spurs. Facet arthropathy is the name of this condition.

Second, what is the best treatment of degenerative disc disease? Treatment options include physical therapy, occupational therapy, or both. Special exercises, medications and weight loss are all possible. The medical options include injecting the affected disc with steroids and local anesthetic. These are known as facet joint injections. These can provide pain relief.

This is what disc space loss means.

DDD can lead to discs becoming stiffer and losing their height. disc height is lost and nerve impingement, joint inflammation, and consequent pain may occur. Disc degeneration is a condition that causes the loss of joint space. This is similar to arthritis pain and inflammation.

What can you do to narrow the spine?

Your doctor may prescribe:

  • Pain relievers. Temporary relief from spinal stenosis may be achieved by temporarily using pain medications such as ibuprofen (Advil), Motrin IB (others), naproxen, Aleve (others), and acetaminophen [Tylenol]
  • Antidepressants.
  • Anti-seizure drugs.
  • Opioids.