Asked by: Grete Ahannach
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets, food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What is difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt?

Greek yogurt is strained three-times to remove most of the liquid. This is what gives Greek Yogurt its thicker consistency and stronger flavours than regular yogurt. Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt because it is more concentrated.

Is Greek yogurt more nutritious than regular yogurt?

Greek yogurt is more fat than regular yogurt. When buying Greek yogurt, it is a good idea not to buy fat-free or low-fat versions.

What's the big deal with Greek yogurt? Fine explained that Greek yogurt is more protein-rich than regular yogurt.

Also, find out how Greek yogurt is made.

First, some yogurt making 101. Greek yogurt is traditionally made by straining yogurt to remove the whey. This results in a more solid yogurt with less sugar, fewer carbs, and more protein than regular yogurt. Registered dietitian

What is the difference between Greek yogurt versus Greek style yogurt?

"Greek yogurt is made by fermenting milk with live bacteria. Greek-style yogurt, on the contrary, is not strained and may contain artificial thickeners like gelatin and gum. These thickeners are added to create the same creamy texture but with a longer shelf-life.