Asked by: Nury Oggionni
Asked in category: technology and computing, information and network security
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What is communication in your own opinion?

Meaning: Communication refers to exchanging thoughts, ideas and facts between more than one person. Meaning: Communication refers to exchanging thoughts, ideas and facts between more than one person.

What is communication in your own words in this context?

Communication is a Latin term that means "to share". It's the sharing of information among different people. It involves the sharing of ideas and concepts, imaginations as well as behaviours and written content. Communication can simply be defined as the transfer or exchange of information between two places.

What is the best definition for communication? Communication can be described in a number of ways. From one person to the next or from one organization to the other.

What is communication, and how can it be explained?

Communication simply refers to the act of transmitting information from one person, place, or group to another. Every communication has at least one sender, a message, and a receiver. These include our emotions and the cultural context, the medium used, and even where we are located.

What are the five definitions of communication?

A : A technique for communicating ideas effectively (as a speech). b ; The technology of the transmission (as print or telecommunication) 5 : An act or instance of passing the communication about disease.