Asked by: Anastasiya Siemens
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the origin of distilled spirits quizlet?

Ancient Arab chemists created distillated spirits by distilling wine. They used the resulting liquid as medicine and alchemical ingredients. Spirits are compact and more likely to last than other alcoholic beverages. You could mix them with water to make it more appealing.

When was the first time alcohol was distilled?

13th century AD

Was coffee also the first beverage to be exported? The first aglobala beverage was coffee. coffee originated in the Arabian world. Coffee drinking began in the Middle East. It spread to Italy and then the rest of Europe. The Dutch transported coffee plants to the East Indies, and the Americas.

This is how tea was first made mainstream in Asia, and then later in Europe.

Tea was first to become a mainstream drink in Asia around 100 BCE. It became a popular drink in Asia about 1610.

How did coffee become a History of the World in 6 Glasses.

North Africa or Yemen is where coffee was invented. Legend has it that a goatherd discovered that his goats were more energetic after eating a strange brown bean. A local holy man discovered how to make a dark, strong drink from the beans. The goatherd then took the beans to the holy man.