Asked by: Zenobia Mardura
Asked in category: medical health, dental health
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the maximum time you can use MI Paste for?

Use a clean finger to apply a small amount of MI Paste (or MI Paste Plus) to the tooth surface. For 3 minutes, leave the mouth unattended. Repeat this process up to 4 times per day or as recommended by your dentist.

It is also important to ask if it is okay to swallow MI Paste.

MI Paste is safe for children, adults and the elderly. It can be ingested safely and acts as vitamins for your teeth. You can simply squeeze a small amount onto your finger and then apply it to your teeth. Use your tongue to distribute it. It should be left on for at least three to five minutes.

The next question is: Does MI Paste whiten your teeth? MI PasteaC/ doesn't contain fluoride. Use MI pasteaC/ or MI paste PlusaC/ prior to and after bleaching to reduce toothsensitivity and restore oral balance. MI pasteaC/ MI Paste PlusaC/ can be used on-going after a tooth bleaching treatment. This helps to maintain a bright white smile. Apply a small amount to your finger.

Also question is, does MI Paste help gums?

Oral bacteria can also be killed by limes, cranberries, and Kiwis. This helps to strengthen your teeth, gums, and freshen your breath. MI Paste, which contains high amounts of calcium, can be used to repair enamel.

Do you rinse MI Paste?

MI PasteaC/ can be applied in a few minutes. After brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste use a little bit of paste in the custom-made trays your dental provides for you. Leave undisturbed for 3 minutes. To allow the paste to absorb onto the surface, do not rinse after three minutes.