Asked by: Yonatan Gottschall
Asked in category: automotive, green vehicles
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Can I use regular coolant in a diesel?

Diesel antifreeze is different from conventional gasoline engine antifreeze because it contains a special additive that prevents erosion of cylinder walls.

So, can regular antifreeze be used in a diesel engine?

Maintaining engine coolant is as important as oil changes. The coolant condition of a diesel engine might be even more important than that of a gasoline motor. Antifreeze-coolant today not only prevents freezing during winter but also protects diesel engines against common cavitation problems.

Can I also add water to my diesel cooling fluid? For heavy-duty engines, a 50/50 mixture of heavy-duty antifreeze/coolant, and clean, quality (distilled or de-mineralized or de-ionized), water with supplemental coolant additions (SCA) is necessary. Water without antifreeze/coolant and with 6% SCA is no longer recommended. It is not acceptable as a coolant.

This is how you can find the best antifreeze to use on diesel engines.

Zerex G05 Antifreeze/Coolant is the best diesel option. Zerex G05 Antifreeze/Coolant can be used in gasoline and diesel cars, but it also contains additives that can benefit diesel engines.

How does diesel get into coolant?

Diesel flows through the head to the injectors. There are only a few ways can get into the cooling system . Leakage of injector cups or cracked head. It is possible, but unlikely, that the Davco has failed. A blown head gasket will not allow diesel to flow into the coolant system.