Asked by: Simran Perojo
Asked in category: personal finance, health insurance
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Athena's communicator?

athenaCommunicator, a service for patient interaction and engagement from athenahealth, is athenaCommunicator. athenaCommunicator allows medical service providers to communicate with patients and cut down on administrative burden by using live operators and automated messaging.

What does Athena Health do?

athenahealth Inc. develops cloud-based practice management, point of care mobile apps and electronic record (EHR), systems for small- to medium-sized (SMB), physician practices.

The next question is: What is Athena billing? AthenaCollector is athenahealth's practice management and medical billing software. It uses a rules engine and human medical billsers to scrub each claim. Practices are still responsible for charge entry and coding.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What is Athena system?"

athenahealth, Inc., a private American company, provides network-enabled healthcare services and mobile apps for point-of-care care in the United States. The company was established in San Diego in 1997 and has its headquarters in Watertown, Massachusetts.

Is Athena a clearinghouse or clearinghouse?

Athenahealth is the most up-to-date and complete technology company. Athena offers a web-based practice management system that allows patients to access their records, claim and clearinghouse processing and reports for payers.