Asked by: Nico Multyh
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

What is an extradural hemoatoma?

Extradural hemomatoma (also known as epidural haematoma) is a blood clot that forms between the outer layer of the dura and the skull's inner surface. This layer is also called the endosteal. They can be controlled by cranial sutures but not by vein sinuses.

Similar questions are asked: What is an Extradural Haematoma (also known as a haematoma).

Extradural hemorhage is the accumulation of blood between the skull and the outer protective layer that covers the brain (the dura matrix). This is usually caused by a head injury. This is a serious condition that requires emergency treatment. A haematoma operation may be necessary.

What does extradural in medical terms mean? Extradural is defined medically as: an event that occurs outside of the dura mater, but inside the skull. This is extradural hemorhage.

What causes epidural hemostasis?

An epidural hemomatoma is a condition in which blood builds up between your skull, and the protective layer of your brain. Your brain can bounce against your skull if you sustain trauma or another injury to your head.

What does it take to kill an epidural hemomatoma?

Because epidural hemorhages are not easily diagnosed, they can be dangerous. Pressure builds up in the brain and causes a lack of symptoms. Many victims of epidural hemorhages go undiagnosed and die within hours. The brain dies when there is not enough blood flow.