Asked by: Malainin Ayucar
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing, technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

How do I run Azure Devops test cases?

Run the automated tests
  1. Open Azure Test Plans or the Test hub within Azure DevOps Server (see web portal navigation) and choose a suite that contains the automated test.
  2. Select the Test(s), then open the Run Menu and choose Run test.
  3. Click OK to begin the testing process.

It is also important to know how to add test cases to Azure DevOps.

Add tests

  1. To add tests, click on the menu for the item. Inline tests can be added to the same test suite as test cases.
  2. Enter each title and click Enter if you have multiple tests to add. Open the test case to add details.

How do you design test cases in the same way? Test Case Example: Best Practices

  1. Test cases should be easy to understand.
  2. With the end user in mind, create a test case.
  3. Avoid repetitious testing.
  4. Don't Assume.
  5. You can be sure of 100% coverage
  6. Test cases must be identifiable.
  7. Implement Testing Techniques.
  8. Peer Review.

Also, what is the azure DevOps Test?

Azure Test Plans, a new service that was launched in conjunction with Azure DevOps, is a browser-based solution for managing exploratory, planned, manual, and user acceptance tests. It offers mechanisms for continuous build and test, as well as deployment to any cloud and platform.

How can you test Azure?

Select the Azure application from your Azure dashboard. Next, click Performance Test from the left menu. Finally, click the new tab. Click Configure Testing Using and then choose the Manual Type. You can either enter URL manually or your Azure app to select URL automatically. Click Done.