Asked by: Zana Cataldi
Asked in category: style and fashion, nail care
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

When should you clip your dog's nails?

Unless your dog is allowed to run around on hard surfaces, they should be clipped or cut once per week. If you hear them clicking on a hard surface it's time to trim.

How often should your dog have his nails trimmed?

1-2 Months

What happens if your dog doesn't have his nails trimmed? If your dog's nails grow too long, they could curl over and become part of the foot pad. Uncut nails can also be cut to the quick, which can cause pain, infection, or other problems. It is crucial to keep your dog happy and healthy by trimming his nails properly.

How do you decide when your dog should be trimmed?

If your dog is moving around on tiled or hard floors, you will hear their claws clicking. You should trim your dog’s claws at least once a month, depending on how active they are and what type of flooring they use.

Is it possible to trim your dog's nails by walking them?

It's possible that your dog will need to have their nails trimmed every other day. However, going for walks outside can reduce the amount of trimmings your dog requires. Dog nails can be naturally damaged by hard surfaces such as concrete or pavement.